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District Profile

Strasburg Franklin Local Schools

Strasburg Franklin Local is located in Tuscarawas County.  We are in a rural area of northeast Ohio.  Currently, the district enrollment is 598 students in a K-12 building.  Junior and Senior students have the option of attending Buckeye Career Center for vocational training.  Strasburg has 30 students enrolled at Buckeye.



Strasburg Franklin Local Schools has tremendous community support.  Although we are a very small district, the community serves as the backbone for encouragement and support.  State and local funding was appropriated to construct a new K-12 facility with the elementary opening in 2007 and the middle/high school opening in 2010.  Local Booster clubs raised funds to finish athletic and other facility needs prohibited by state law from using state funds to construct.  Organizations such as the Tiger Foundation and the Lion’s Club continually strive to meet the needs of our students.

The local Board of Education and the Strasburg Franklin Local employees collaborate to allow our finances to remain stable and secure.  A strong commitment to being fiscally responsible while educating our youth is a priority for our district.



Strasburg Franklin Local Schools has a Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP).  Our District Leadership team meets yearly to evaluate our state and local test results to create a Reading, Math and Community Outreach goals.  Strategies and action steps are created for each goal.  Serving students with Highly Qualified teachers, continually training our teachers on state standards and differentiation and utilizing Title 1 funds for remediation, Strasburg is improving our scores yearly.

College Credit Plus has created the opportunity for our students to attend local colleges to earn up to 30 total hours of credit per year.  The district must pay the tuition and the cost of books for every student, as long as the students pass the courses.  Our partnerships include Stark State College, Kent State College and Aultman Nursing School.  Two high school teachers are now certified to teach College Level courses within the K-12 building.



Strasburg was awarded the CCG Automation Top K-12 School in the Battle of the Buildings Bootcamp in 2016.  We have been awarded the Energy Star designation for our cost saving measures taken last year.  Although our building was new within the last ten years, upgrading our existing HVAC controls and reducing our lifecycle costs provided comfortable learning environments for our students and staff while greatly reducing utility costs.



Beginning this school year, our elementary teachers and classroom aides were trained in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).  A school wide program is designed to support positive behaviors while meeting the needs of all students.  The goal is to build a safe and positive environment in which all students can learn.  Our Tigers are expected to be Respectful, Responsible, Safe and Prepared.  Individual and whole class rewards have been established.  We believe that this powerful program will have an impact on the social, emotional and physical needs of all students.

Strasburg staff members understand that we are in the “business of learning”.  It is our responsibility to meet students where they are and take them as far as we possibly can within each school year.  Staff members are committed to try new strategies, participate in professional development and encouraging and teaching students to become responsible for their own success.