Curriculum and Gifted Services
Curriculum and Gifted Services
What does Strasburg do?
All teachers who have a student with a gifted identification in their content area complete ongoing professional development in gifted instruction to best meet the needs of their students. This allows students to learn with their peers, but receive the differentiation they need to be challenged, yet successful.
Each child with a gifted identification will have a Written Education Plan (WEP). This will detail the child’s gifted identification, goals, and progress. Each year the parent will get a copy.
How do students qualify?
Each year, as a district, we give a screener test (CogAT) to students in 2nd and 5th grades to determine which students are identified as gifted in superior cognitive and creative thinking. We also use another screener (NWEA MAP) to identify students in grades 2nd-8th who are identified as gifted in reading and math.
Qualifications for each identification:
What does their ID mean?
How can I help my child?
National Association for Gifted Children: Parent Resource Page
Check out this page for tips and tricks on how to support your child, resources for your child, and much more.
Ohio Association for Gifted Children: Parent Handbook
This is an all-encompassing guide to being a parent of a gifted child
Who should I contact?
If you have questions about your child’s ability, reach out to your child’s teacher. If you have any questions regarding our gifted services contact our Curriculum Director Emily Palmer at
The practice of educational acceleration at Strasburg is to provide an opportunity for students to transfer into a course that matches the appropriate pace of instruction and level of challenge to their capabilities. Acceleration can also reduce the time period necessary for students to complete traditional schooling. The District uses acceleration strategies in four academic areas:
Acceleration Process
Any student interested in acceleration should follow this process.
Fill out a referral form
Gather data
Meet as a group
Make final decision
Appeal Process
If the student or parent/guardian does not agree with the decision, he/she must fill out and send this form to the Superintendent within 30 days of receiving the written decision for acceleration. The Superintendent will have 30 days to make his/her final decision.
Follow up
After the student is accelerated, a Written Acceleration Plan (WAP) will be provided to the parent/guardian and acceleration team detailing the goals, transition period (end of the first quarter), and information specific to the student’s acceleration.