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Annual Notices

To be in compliance with federal and state law, the school district is required to inform residents about various programs, policies, and procedures that are in place in the district.

In compliance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act passed by Congress in 1986 the Strasburg-Franklin Local School District has an AHERA Management Plan on file in the Principal’s office at each building and at the Board of Education Office, 140 N. Bodmer Avenue Strasburg, Ohio 44680. Anyone interested in viewing the plan can stop by these locations and ask to see a copy. Asbestos inspections are completed in the school buildings every six months, and a major reevaluation is done every three years.

Pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its implementing regulations (“Section 504”), no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of his/her disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. The Board of Education does not discriminate in admission or access to, participation in, or treatment, or employment in, its programs or activities. As such, the Board’s policies and practices will not discriminate against employees and students with disabilities, will provide equal opportunity for employment, and will make accessible to qualified individuals with disabilities its facilities, programs, and activities.

A copy of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act may be obtained from the District’s Compliance Officer, Matt Carpenter 330-878-5571. 


Pursuant to House Bill 276, Ohio School districts are required to semiannually post the number of reported bullying and harassment incidents that occur throughout their district. Below are the reports;

Bullying Report



The Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools ensures that all eligible students with disabilities in kindergarten through 21 years of age, residing within their attendance area, have available to them a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. The rights of children with disabilities and their parents will be protected in accordance with state and federal laws.

School districts must locate and identify individuals who have disabilities from birth to age 21. If you, or someone you know, may be in need of special education and related services, please contact Matt Carpenter Director of Pupil Services at 330-878-5571.


Any member of the school community who believes that he/she has been the subject of discrimination (including racial harassment) will report any incident(s) to his/her teacher, school administrator, guidance counselor, or if the employee, immediate supervisor. The superintendent may also be notified and serves as the district’s Grievance Officer unless the superintendent delegates that assignment to another administrator.




The Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools provides educational services to disabled students from birth to age 21 utilizing federal assistance through IDEA funds to enhance the basic program. Disabilities including the areas of hearing, vision, learning, behavior, speech/language, health/physical disabilities, traumatic brain injury, autism, or any combination of these, are considered handicapping conditions.

An application is on file at the Administration Building and is available for examination and recommendations by district residents. If you, or someone you know, may be in need of special education and related services, Matt Carpenter Director of Pupil Services at 330-878-5571.



Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools hereby gives notice that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, handicap or age in the educational programs or activities operated by the district. This district complies with state directives and with federal regulations for implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. Nondiscrimination is practiced both in employment and in access of students to school programs.. Any student making a complaint or participating in a school investigation will be protected from retaliation. The Compliance Officer(s) can provide additional information concerning equal access to educational opportunities. Contact Matt Carpenter Director of Pupil Services at 330-878-5571.


Student Wellness Plan
The District receives Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid (DPIA) and Student Wellness and Success Funds as part of the State Foundation payments from the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. The District is required to develop a plan that includes collaboration with the Tuscarawas Mental Health and Recovery Board and another community partner. The plan below was developed with input from the Stark Mental and Recovery Board, the Stark County Educational Service Center, the Stark County Sheriff’s Office, Village of Strasburg Police Department and Community Hospital. Click here for a link of the plan. 



Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools receives notification of their entitlement of federal funds allocated in accordance with the Title I/ Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Public Law 92-142.  Utilization of the funds is designated to provide services and programs for disabled students.  Persons who wish to comment on how to utilize these designated funds are welcome and encouraged to contact Contact Matt Carpenter Director of Pupil Services at 330-878-5571.



At the beginning of each school year, parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their students' teachers.   If you would like to request this information, please contact Sheila Doerschuk, Elementary Principal at 330-878-5571.

Parents of students attending a Title I-Part A school may request information regarding any State or district policy regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by ESSA, Section 1111(b)(2) and by the State or district including related policies and procedures.


Title IX

The Board of the Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education program or activity and is required by Title IX and its implementing regulations not to discriminate in such a manner. The requirement not to discriminate in its education program or activity extends to admission and employment. Any person may report sex discrimination, including Sexual Harassment (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute sex discrimination or Sexual Harassment), in person, by mail, by telephone, or by electronic mail, using the Title IX Coordinators' contact information listed below, or by any other means that results in the Title IX Coordinator receiving the person’s oral or written report. Reports may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by using the telephone numbers or electronic mail addresses or by mail to the office address listed below. Anonymous reports may be submitted using the hotline. The reporting number is 844-SaferOH (844-723-3764).

Sheila Doerschuk, Elementary Principal & Title IX Coordinator
140 N. Bodmer Avenue, Strasburg, Ohio 44680

Matt Carpenter, Director of Pupil Services & Title IX Coordinator
140 N. Bodmer Avenue, Strasburg, Ohio 44680


It is the policy of Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools to enroll, educate and not segregate or stigmatize children on the basis of their status as homeless.  Matt Carpenter is the Canton Local Homeless Liaison and may be reached at 330-878-5571. Any person suspecting a child is homeless should notify Matt Carpenter to ensure that homeless children enroll in school and have the opportunity to succeed academically. 

*Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools is in compliance with the H.R. 1, “No Child Left Behind Act of 2001” that was enacted in January of 2002.


Directory Information/FERPA

Strasburg-Franklin Local Schools follows the guidelines of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regarding all student records.  FERPA, a federal law, limits the disclosure of personally identifiable information from a student’s education record for pupils in public schools.  The statute prohibits the disclosure of names for any profit-making activity and imposes restrictions on the disclosure of such information for other purposes.  An exception is made in the case of “directory information”, which may be released without prior written consent unless the parent (or pupil, if over the age of eighteen) has informed the school, in writing, that they do not want their student’s information disclosed without their prior written consent.  The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the school district to include information from a student’s educational records in certain school publications like yearbooks, Honor Roll or recognition lists, sports activity sheets or programs, drama/choral/music playbills, website, newsletters or other social media properties showcasing student achievements.  “Directory information” is released to the military by law and applies to high school students only.

“Directory information” is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released and is defined to include the pupil’s name, address, telephone listing, email address, photograph, date and place of birth, major field of study, grade level, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, date of graduation and awards received.

Parents may refuse to allow any information to be released without their written consent by notifying the school in writing no later than August 31st of each school year.



The Board of Education is committed to implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) framework on a District-wide basis and the establishment of a school environment focused on the care, safety, and welfare of all students and staff members. Staff are directed to work to prevent the use of physical restraint and/or seclusion. The PBIS framework shall serve as the foundation for the creation of a learning environment that promotes the use of evidence-based academic and behavioral practices aimed at enhancing academic, social and behavioral outcomes for all students. An emphasis shall be placed on promoting positive interventions and solutions to potential crises. If a student's behavior, however, presents a threat of immediate physical harm to the student or others, staff may, as a last resort (i.e., there is no other safe and effective intervention available) and in accordance with the terms of this policy, use approved physical restraint or seclusion to maintain a safe environment.

All physical restraint and seclusion shall only be done in accordance with this policy, which is based on the standards adopted by the State Board of Education regarding the use of student restraint and seclusion.

Training in methods of PBIS and the use of physical restraint and seclusion will be provided to all professional staff and support staff determined appropriate by the Superintendent. Training will be in accordance with the State's Standards. Absent an emergency, only school staff who are trained in permissible seclusion and physical restraint measures shall use such techniques.

Every use of restraint and seclusion shall be documented and reported in accordance with this policy.

The Board shall annually notify parents of this policy, which will be published on the District’s website. More details at 5630.01.